The Hadith: 'There is no better man than`Aly and no sword other than Dhu Al-Faqqar'


Q 1: There is a widely circulated statement in some of the books of our Urdu language that reads: "There is no better man than `Aly and no sword other than Dhu Al-Faqar." Is this statement authentic? (Part No. 3; Page No. 272) It is also mentioned in the books of Hadith that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said this to `Aly (may Allah be pleased with him) or was it fabricated by people? I heard that this statement belongs to `Isa ibn Mahran, a liar from the sect of Al-Rafidah.

A: The Hadith: "There is no better man than `Aly and no sword other than Dhu Al-Faqar" has no origin and may be a fabrication by the Shiites. Al-Mulla `Aly Al-Qari' commented in his book Al-Asrar Al-Marfu`ah fi Al-Akhbar Al-Mawdu`ah, which is known by Al-Maudu`at Al-Kubra: "The Hadith saying, 'There is no better man than `Aly and no sword other than Dhu Al-Faqar' has no reliable reference. Indeed, it is related in a weak Athar (a narration from a Companion) from Al-Hasan ibn `Arafah Al-`Abdy on the authority of Abu Gha`far Muhamad ibn `Aly Al-Baqir that an angel called Radwan announced from the heavens in the Battle of Badr, 'No sword other than Dhu Al-Faqar and no man better than `Aly.'" Al-Tabary mentioned this Athar in his book Al-Riyad Al-Nadirah and said: "Dhul Faqar is the name of the sword of the Prophet (peace be upon him). It was called so because there were small holes in it." Al-Qari' added: "What proves it to be invalid is the fact that had something like this been announced from the heavens in the Battle of Badr all the honorable Sahabah (Companions of the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with them) would have heard it, and thus it would have been reported by the great Imams. This is similar to what is related concerning beating Al-Niqarah (musical instrument) in the Battle of Badr. Out of ignorance, they attribute this act to the angels considering that it continued from the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) up to the present time although this contradicts reason and revelation, even if it was mentioned by Ibn Marzuq and likewise Al-Qastalany in his book Al-Mawahib." This is what is mentioned by Al-Mulla (may Allah confer mercy upon him).May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions.


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